Right after I sent the email I received the "NJSL Direct" weekly email with some unlisted videos from Brainfuse. I'll take a look through those.
I have a conflict for the Feb. 25 Brainfuse HelpNow webinar. Will it be recorded?
Best regards,
Eric Schwarz
Adult Services Librarian (part-time)
Union City Public Library
324 43rd Street
Union City, NJ 07087
From: "Eric Schwarz eschwarz@PROTECTED [NJLibsGrowBiz]" <NJLibsGrowBiz@PROTECTED>
Sent: 2/16/21 1:47 PM
To: NJLibsGrowBiz <NJLibsGrowBiz@PROTECTED>
Subject: [NJLibsGrowBiz] Videos for Brainfuse?
From: eschwarz@PROTECTED
Hello Colleagues,
Has anyone found any concise yet comprehensive current videos on using Brainfuse HelpNow and Brainfuse JobNow?
The "student overview" video for HelpNow focuses on higher education, and the JobNow videos are quite old. The Brainfuse Overview and Brainfuse 2020 videos seem more marketing-driven than practical for users, in my humble opinion.
Thanks for your help!
Best regards,
Eric Schwarz
Adult Services Librarian (part-time)
Union City Public Library
324 43rd Street
Union City, NJ 07087