Libraries impacted by Ida

From: "NJ-PUB-LIBS" <rkeith@PROTECTED>
Subject: Libraries impacted by Ida
Date: September 10th 2021

NJSL is saddened to hear of the devastation wrought on New Jersey’s libraries by Tropical Storm Ida. 

We have established a targeted Emergency Grant Fund to help libraries that were damaged by the storm or flood waters. An impacted library may request funds to mitigate the damage, replace materials or equipment, or support repairs. The grant amount will be determined once the number of impacted libraries is determined but expected to be in the $10,000 - $20,000 range. If your library was damaged and you are interested in the grant opportunity, please contact me for an application and instructions.  Please respond with your interest and a brief description of the condition of your library no later than Monday September 20, 2021, 4pm. Once we know the number of libraries damaged, we will provide information to eligible libraries on the maximum grant size. 

In the meantime, please know that you are in our hearts and thoughts and let us know how we can provide support or guidance to you and your staff.  

With my warm regards,

Jen Nelson
State Librarian
New Jersey State Library
609 278 2640 ext. 101 | jnelson@PROTECTED

Street Address:
185 West State Street
Trenton, NJ 08608

Mailing Address:
PO Box 520
Trenton, NJ 08625-0520

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