Saw this from the Seed Library Network with some helpful free resources for starting and maintaining a community seed library, as well as information about Seed swap Day.
I thought I would pass it along in case some of you have seed libraries.
Seed Swap Resources
The Seed Library Network has created free resources to help you organize a successful seed swap. Visit for the following key tools:
If you’re hosting a seed swap on Seed Swap Day (January 25), be sure to use #SeedSwapDay and tag us on Instagram and Facebook @seedlibraries.
Additionally, if your community has a seed library, don’t forget to add it to the Seed Library Map! It only takes 5 minutes at Stay current on new resources and get inspired by subscribing to Cool Beans! Newsletter at
Peas and lovage, 💚
Rebecca Newburn
Founder, Seed Library Network
Co-Founder, Richmond Grows Seed Lending Library
Forwarded by,
Sharon Rawlins, MLS (she/her/hers) Library Development Bureau P. 609-278-2640 x116 |
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