Hello! The New Jersey State Library is sending out a Continuing Education and Training Update with a list of upcoming events throughout the state. The links will take you to a site that has more information about the events and registration.
NJSL & NJLTA Trustee Institute
Sheraton, Eatontown, October 17, 9:00-4:30, Registration opens on June 1, 2020. https://www.njstatelib.org/services_for_libraries/consulting_services/library_trustees/
Activate Sustainable Thinking for Future of Libraries
FEMA—Until Help Arrives and Bleeding Control Course for Public Library Staff
NJCAR Workshops in Disaster Preparedness for Cultural Institutions
Who are the People in your neighborhood? Community Asset Mapping
NJLibsGrowBiz Summit
To register or find more information, visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/new-jersey-eda-20201110802
7th Multicultural Program Award
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