NJ Libraries with Public WiFi Accessibility Survey

From: "NJ-PUB-LIBS" <rkeith@PROTECTED>
Subject: NJ Libraries with Public WiFi Accessibility Survey
Date: May 26th 2020

Dear Library Directors,

The New Jersey State Library is collecting information about libraries with wifi access outside of the building in order to better serve patrons without internet access at home.

Please complete the following form to indicate whether wifi is available outside of your library in a way that promotes social distancing among those accessing it (such as in the library parking lot): https://www.njstatelib.org/nj-libraries-with-public-wifi-accessibility-survey/ 

You are asked in the form to indicate whether you would like to share wifi connection information publicly.  

Please note that ALA recommends libraries leave wifi on during quarantine and that the FCC has affirmed community use of E-rate supported wifi networks (http://www.ala.org/news/press-releases/2020/03/american-library-association-recommends-libraries-leave-wifi-open-during).  Library users accessing wifi should be encouraged to follow social distancing guidelines to reduce risk to themselves and others.

Here is a list of resources for further information about wifi accessibility through libraries and security considerations:

List of All US States’ Covid-19 Digital Inclusion Response

The National Digital Inclusion Alliance 
Chapter 5: Affordable WiFi Access (mentions WiFi security in parking lots)

Wireless Connections and Blue Tooth Security Tips from FCC

How to Find WiFi Hotspots

If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to Sharon Rawlins (srawlins@PROTECTED) or Nayomi Torres-Velez (ntorresvelez@PROTECTED).   

Andrea Levandowski

Andrea Simzak Levandowski (she/her/hers)
Library Consultant for Small Business Development & Technology
New Jersey State Library
P.O. Box 520
Trenton, NJ 08625
(609) 278-2640 x190

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