Navigating the New Normal: Lessons Learned for Building More Resilient Libraries
Virtual half-day summit co-sponsored by the New Jersey State Library and LibraryLinkNJ
When: Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Time: 1:00-5:00
1. Continuity of Operations Shadow of a Pandemic by Dan Wilson, Coordinator, NN/LM National Emergency Preparedness & Response Plan
Through most of 2020, COVID-19 has consumed every part of library operations all around the world. Without a playbook to fall back on, libraries have been forced to make frequent adjustments based on changing infection rates & guidelines in order to serve their communities. As a result, it is likely that regular continuity of operations planning (COOP) has been overlooked.
2. Staying Connected While Working Remotely, Faith McCalla, Trainer/Consultant
Working remotely is fast becoming our new norm, thanks to COVID-19. However, it has not been easy for many to adapt to this new form of working. Learn about fundamental factors that are needed to develop & maintain a cohesive & efficient remote team.
3. Trends and Topics in Library Security and Safety: Keeping Staff and Patrons Protected in the New Normal by Dr. Steve Albrecht, Board certified in HR, security, coaching, threat management
Learn new approaches to keep employees & patrons safe & secure in the Pandemic Era, ways to improve the library's relationship with local law enforcement, how to get the best from on-site security guards or how to designate certain qualified employees into doing more of a security function as part of their role. Dr. Albrecht will talk about his Top Ten Most Challenging Patrons.
4. Resilience: Strength Under Stress, Faith McCalla, for the Mental Health Association of New Jersey
If ever there is a time that our resilience is being tested, it is now. As library management & staff, you have adapt to a new way of interacting as you start to come out of hibernation & back to physically interacting with each other. This webinar will share strategies that you can utilize to assist yourself & others, including your patrons, to cope during these challenging times.
Registration required:
For questions contact Michele Stricker at mstricker@PROTECTED
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