Zoom software update

From: "NJ-PUB-LIBS" <rkeith@PROTECTED>
Subject: Zoom software update
Date: September 14th 2020

Library Directors:


As you know, we are consolidating those libraries with existing Zoom accounts into one main account paid for by the New Jersey State Library using CARES Act funds, as well as establishing Zoom accounts for public libraries that have not previously had this resource. I've had a lot of incoming questions this week as you all received the invitation email. Please read through this article that explains account consolidation before reaching out: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/360035969131-Account-consolidation-with-associated-domains 


Additionally, here are some FAQ's that I've received, answered below. 

1. Will I get a refund if we already have a Zoom account? 

• Yes, on the 2nd screen after you accept the invite you will select where to send your refund. *If you have accidentally sent it to the NJSL, we are currently talking to billing about this.

2. Will we lose any data, recordings or scheduled meetings when we move over?

• No, your account is simply moving under a new umbrella, no data will be lost! 

3. Will we lose functionality when we move over?

• No, your new account has all the same functionality.

Thank you for reading through these initial replies. We will also have a User Training with our dedicated Customer Success Manager in the coming week or two. I will send out an invitation to join this session to all of you. Please join if you have any questions and to get a walk through of best practices in our new account. 


If you're having any technical issues, please reach out to the support team by filling out this help request form: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/requests/new  

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