From: "NJ-PUB-LIBS" <rkeith@PROTECTED>
Date: October 13th 2020

As mentioned in previous NJPUBLIBS messages, the State Library has licensed the following products for public libraries through September 30, 2021: Zoom Enterprise licenses, Capira Curbside, SimplyE and Baker and Taylor ebooks. This message contains an update on these purchases:

Zoom Enterprise licenses: We apologize for the difficulties some libraries have had with this remote meeting software. At this point in time Sahar Dampier, our Zoom administrator, is handling all emails concerning refunds and overridden accounts. You may contact her at sdampier@PROTECTED. Also, we are scheduling bi-weekly webinars with Zoom staff for NJ public library staff to ask questions and hopefully receive quick and helpful answers. The next webinar will be in late October, with the date to be publicized at a minimum through NJ PUB LIBS.

Capira Curbside: So far there have been very few public libraries who have sent in their forms for Sahar Dampier to review and forward to Capira. If you believe that you might have need of a curbside solution for pickup of library materials please fill out the form, located at Capira will be holding their first informational webinar as follows:

Occurs every other week on Tuesday at 3pm EDT, starting 10/20

Curbside Staff Webinar

Hosted by Mike Berse

Tuesday, Oct 20, 2020 3:00 pm | 1 hour | (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Occurs every 2 week(s) on Tuesday effective 10/20/2020 until 12/15/2020 from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM, (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Meeting number: 173 428 8696

Password: nbND2ym3Xm7

Join by video system

Dial 1734288696@PROTECTED

Join by phone

1-408-792-6300 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)

1-877-668-4490 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)

Access code: 173 428 8696


SimplyE ebook platform: The SimplyE team at LYRASIS will be working with State Library staff to create the profiles for all public libraries who wish to utilize this product. The SimplyE team will begin by contacting the five major consortia in the state regarding interest for their members along with county library systems. We do not yet have a timeline for this work but expect it to begin later this month.

Baker and Taylor ebooks: A selection of both youth and adult titles have been ordered by Maria Baratta, Assistant Director of the State Library Information Center and Sharon Rawlins, Youth Services Specialist. For those public libraries who are already have Axis 360, John Duff and Katy White of B&T will contact those libraries to inform them that we can enhance their collection with the new statewide one – as giving them access to the new content is quite easy and fast on the vendor’s end. For libraries not on this platform an online form will be sent to gather authentication information. This should be ready to send to libraries by mid-October.

The State Library will continue to send out updates on these products as they are ready to be deployed. Webinars and QandA sessions will also be scheduled with the vendors as needed.


Kathleen Moeller-Peiffer

Deputy State Librarian for Library Support Services

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