In case you have a moment to watch these and want to be entertained, I’m sharing the link to the 2021 Teen Video Challenge winners.
Five winners were selected for this national contest that encouraged teens to create 60-second public service type videos that promoted reading and library use to other teens interpreting the 2021 CSLP theme of Tails and Tales. These videos show the amount of talent, creativity, and thoughtfulness that went into all of this year's submissions. The videos can be found here: (the last one’s not available, unfortunately).
They are fun, creative, and inspiring! The winning teens/teen teams each received a $200 cash prize from CSLP. Please feel free to use any/all of the winning videos to help promote next summer’s program, reading, and library use in general.
All the best,
Sharon Rawlins, MLS, she/her/hers
Youth Services Specialist for Lifelong Learning
NJ State Library
185 West State St.
P.O. Box 520
Trenton, NJ 08625-0520" style="color: #2199e8; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1.3; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-align: left; text-decoration: none;">
609-278-2640 ext. 116
609-278-2650 – fax
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