Freedom to Read Roundtable webinar on Feb. 24th at 5 PM discussing censorship and the freedom to read.
All the best,
Sharon Rawlins, MLS, she/her/hers
Youth Services Specialist for Lifelong Learning
NJ State Library
185 West State St.
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609-278-2640 ext. 116
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From: Booklist Webinars <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2022 11:10 AM
To: Sharon Rawlins <>
Subject: Freedom to Read Roundtable
Free, 75-minute webinar!
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Join us for this exciting webinar, Freedom to Read Roundtable
Join the Texas Library Association on Thursday, February 24th at 5:00 p.m. ET / 4:00 p.m. CT for a crucial roundtable discussion of censorship and tangible steps to protect the freedom to read. Voices from every aspect of this ongoing and constantly evolving issue will weigh in, including a teacher, librarian, parent, legislator, author, and student, using the recent book bannings in Texas and the response from teachers, librarians, and the community at large as an example of a way forward in protecting the first amendment nationwide. The ALA Office of Intellectual Freedom will close out the program and all attendees will receive resources following the event. This 75-minute event is sponsored by Booklist and Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group and is free to attend and open to all.
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