
From: "JerseyCat" <cconfoy@PROTECTED>
Subject: Reminders
Date: June 24th 2024


We are seeing an increased number of requests for books that are tagged *electronic resource*. Books are available for interlibrary loan in hard copy only. Please don’t request items listed as ebooks, electronic resources, etc. Requests for these will be sent back unfilled. Make sure the bib record you are using is for the physical copy of the book.


Lending List Reminder – There are still some libraries who haven’t entered the latest version of the preferred lender list. Please refer to the listserv posting of June 8, 2022 for instructions on doing so. Using the updated list will result in a higher fill rate and quicker turnaround times.



Casey Confoy

JerseyCat – NJSL



609-278-2640  x114




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